Saturday 24 June 2023

How the Power of the Word of God Can Boost Your Blog Traffic

 How the Power of the Word of God Can Boost Your Blog Traffic


Are you looking for a powerful way to increase your blog traffic? The power of the word of God is a great source to draw from to accomplish this. By utilizing the power found in scripture, you can bring life and energy to your blog, reaching more people than ever before. In this blog post, we'll discuss how tapping into the power of the word of God can help you boost your blog traffic. So read on to learn how you can take advantage of this powerful tool!

Understanding the Importance of Blog Traffic

Optimizing Your Content for Search Engines

Leveraging Social Media Platforms to Promote Your Blog

Building a Strong Email List to Drive Traffic

Collaborating with Other Bloggers and Influencers in Your Niche

Harnessing the Power of Guest Blogging and Backlinking

Utilizing Paid Advertising and Sponsorships to Increase Visibility

Finding Inspiration in the Word of God to Create Valuable Content

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Kathryn Kuhlman (Secrets) - 10 Keys For Your Breakthrough

The church is the ground and pillar of Truth

 The church is the ground and pillar of Truth . The church is our barracks. This is where we are taught the word of God ,His doctrines , this is where we are nurtured equipped and set forth on course for an effective Christian living. Your flimsy excuses do not match up . The Bible is not a text book neither the television or radio a church .Many acclaim to know so much setting at home becoming critics sarcastic to the word of God. The Coming of Christ is so closer every day . We need to know and have more of God each day to prepare us enough to be more equipped for the evil net work that is growing so fast. Satan and his cohorts meet regularly very often and evangelize as never before this is why we see much more of the evil and wickedness spreading like a spiders web.? They are spreading growing fast winning more souls to destroy a world they never created. Don't wait until you are caught in the web before you start screaming for help. It would be too too late. The Church is your own barracks come and be taught be equipped be shown and be guided in what is beneficial and profitable for your living. .

Thursday 13 August 2020

The Great Passage Of Life.

 The word of God in Hebrews 9:27 said it is appointed  unto Man to die after that is Judgement.Death is the spiritual advancement where everyone on Earth will visit his creator. It is a sure passage back home..Whatever things you do on Earth has it final implications when standing face to face in the judgement seat with your creator. I pray for everyone reading through this message receive the grace to live a holy and righteous life.So that at the end heaven shall be your resting place in Jesus name. Run from sin.

Saturday 11 July 2015

One God one Jesus and one Holy Spirit

We have one God one Jesus and one Holy Spirit, but 1500 religions but still only one God. We need to come together in agreement that God is God and Christianone God one Jesus and one Holy Spiriity is not a religion, but a way of life of Jesus.

POWER IN THE WORD: End time message.

POWER IN THE WORD: End time message.: End time message. NO more time to play church or hide in the church to commit sin because the light of God is now beamed on the church and i...

Thursday 25 June 2015

End time message.

End time message. NO more time to play church or hide in the church to commit sin because the light of God is now beamed on the church and if you are not ready to serve God in the beauty of his holiness you will be fished out and you will regret it when it is too late , better repent now'